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Manuscript Development Funds

Assistant Professors in the English department receive $5,000 in manuscript development funds to support the development and production of their next manuscript. These funds are generally used for the following purposes:

  1. A book manuscript workshop
  2. Editorial assistance
  3. Book subvention costs

Faculty should work with their mentors to develop a plan for using these funds. The plan must be submitted to the department chair and the Business Office ( for review. 

Planning Manuscript Workshops

Your budget should account for the following costs when developing on-site manuscript workshops:

  • Honorarium
  • Airfare
  • Hotel (UMD Marriott or The Hotel)
  • Per diem ($79 a day as of 10/01/2023, 75% on travel days)
  • Local transportation (to/from airport, around town)
  • On-site catering and snacks

Please keep in mind that $5,000 is insufficient to bring two scholars from across the country to the University for a book manuscript workshop. We strongly recommend that both participants travel from the East Coast. If travel arrangements have not been made within four weeks of the book manuscript workshop, then unfortunately it is generally cost-prohibitive to hold the workshop as scheduled.

Please work with the Business Office in booking participants' travel well in advance following the process for guest travel reservations.


Questions about this process can be directed to the department chair and

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