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Each guest speaker (if done remotely) or visitor to campus who receives an honorarium requires different documents depending upon their nationality.

All honoraria require the following two completed forms.

1. Honorarium Letter  PDFAll speakers/visitors
1a.Honorarium Letter WORD 
 Supplier Self-Registration Instructions 
2.   W-9 FormIf they have an SSN/EIN/ITIN, OR
ORW-8BEN FormIf they DO NOT have an SSN/EIN/ITIN

For speakers with a bank located outside of the U.S., a third form is required.

3.    X-9 Wire Transfer FormWire transfers can only be done to international bank accounts. If your bank account is in the U.S., you must receive a check.


The department recommends the following honoraria amounts:

  • Remote events - $250
  • In-person or hybrid events - $500

Important Notes

  • These forms may be signed electronically, using either a scanned version of your printed signature or the Adobe Acrobat signature feature. A typed signature is not sufficient.
  • The name and address on all forms, including wire transfers, must match exactly.
  • The honorarium letter must minimally include the information on the template, including the signature of the host and the guest.
  • Barring any applicable tax treaty, the IRS requires that federal taxes of 30% be withheld from funds paid to international residents.
  • Both the honorarium and any travel reimbursement cannot be processed until after the visit is complete.

Upload Forms

These documents can be uploaded by the visitor, or by you, to the following secure Box folder:

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