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Student Employee Hiring

Student Appointment Form

To hire a student employee, submit the following signed form to the Business Office ( a week before their intended start date.

Undergraduate Student Hourly Rate

Undergraduate students in the English department begin with an hourly rate of $15/hour, and are eligible for a $.50 raise each semester upon completion of a performance review with a rating of at least meets expectations.

Graduate Student Hourly Rate

The following are the rates as of 07/01/2023.

Status Category Hourly Rate
GA1 MA/MFA Students $30.63
GA2 PhD Students $31.23
GA3 PhD Candidates $31.83

Evaluating Student Employees/Raises

Hourly undergraduate student employees must be evaluated at the end of each fall and spring semester using the following form:

Completed appraisal forms must be submitted to Cameron Thurston ( in PDF format by the last day of classes. Forms must include the signature of both the supervisor and the student employee. You should use Adobe Sign for signatures if you do not meet with the student in person.

Hourly student employees who receive an evaluation of at least "meets expectations" will receive a .50 pay raise after each semester. Pay raises take effect on January 1 and June 1. Eligible students cannot receive the pay increase without this completed form. Pay will not be changed retroactively for late forms.

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